Page 61 - Introduction to Prananhuti Aided Meditation
P. 61

12. Efficacy Of Raja Yoga - Sri Ramchandra Ji Maharaj of
Shahjahanpur Message at Mysore in December 1965
There are many amongst us who eagerly hanker after realisation and freedom, and they feel it to be their duty. But when we talk of duty we find ourselves enclosed within a sort of limitation. What is that limitation? It is only a narrower sphere of thought and wisdom. As for our present level it is that of finiteness which we cannot get away from, and from which we proceed on to broader visions; I mean the vision of the Absolute Reality. But that depends mainly on the means and methods we apply for the purpose. If perchance we fall upon means which go on adding to our limitations and bondages, we shall definitely remain away from the vision of Reality - the Absolute. There may be methods to suit the temperament of particular individuals, but which may basically be wrong, or in other ways inefficient, and may serve as a toy for a child to play with, only to offer him a temporary lull, but which may lead him further to temptations for more and more enjoyment of pleasures and happiness. That may perhaps be the charm to induce him further on the path of happiness. But so long as he remains held up by the charm of it his progress gets frozen. He may well be compared to a frog in the well which thinks its own narrow sphere to be the whole universe. But if our present level inspires within us a consciousness of a higher type of happiness of infinite character, we may be awakened to the idea of going further into the sphere of limitlessness. That is why they say that for every grain of knowledge the wisdom required must be at least ten times greater. If that much of wisdom is there, the goal shall definitely be in our view and we shall be inspired more and more to proceed on into the sphere of Reality. But the difficulty arises when we remain held up by our own resourcefulness applied for our advancement. When it is so, the idea of freedom does not even crop up in the mind. That is really a sad tale of our own. Such persons ever remain a prey to their own thoughts which go on adding veil after veil to their thinking and practicing. They have, so to say, fastened themselves so rigidly into their own

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