Page 124 - Journey to Infinity
P. 124
Surat Shabda yog
A sadhaka has written that his condition is peculiar since two months. “I was feeling that there is a sound of bell from a distance while performing evening Sandhya, during the month of December. I did not pay any attention towards that. But since then my condition is such that I am hearing that sound at about 8 P.M. daily, when ever I am alone, whether I pay attention to it or not. The sound was towards the right ear. I could not know the reason for that. I was thinking that it was possibly from guru, for some time. Later on I thought it was due to the effect on my brain cells, because of my restless condition. I was happy that I was performing Sandhya as long as I can with out paying any attention to it. Even now the condition is same, but not so severe. I feel it while standing and sleeping. Nowadays, the sleep is also less. The only problem now is that I am feeling it only when I sit for Sandhya. There will be a difference in the meditation on the Feet.’’
Answer: Your condition is like that because you had less chances of hearing such matters during the satsangh. Their conditions and places are not known from the beginning and nobody referred any book to know it. This is a gift from God and it is a happy thing that sound is heard with out putting the fingers or any object in the ears. This is called “Surat Shabda Yog”. The mind center is opened on its own accord, by the God’s grace. Although this is the first sound, the subsequent sounds will be heard, if His grace is there. It is not proper to write the details of their names, places and conditions, for the present. The attention need not be diverted from this sound and hear them if they are natural, but this is not the goal or the real thing. These things which come on the way are the indications for our movement towards the goal.
Kisi nadanist ki manjil gaye mashook kajast, Em khadra hast ki bagain zarish bi ayad.
{Translation: No body knew the dwelling place of that Lover but it is known to the extent that the sound of the bell is heard.}
The details of it have been written with praise in the religious books. Perhaps knowing the details in the beginning itself is beneficial some times, but in some conditions it is a loss. Example; the matters seen in the books and heard, will safely remain in the memory. Some times, these matters come out of the mind during the meditation and appear to be real and we are immersed in that condition, although it was an imagination but not real. It is neither the result of sadhana nor the grace of God and it is merely a deception. Although the