Page 126 - Journey to Infinity
P. 126
It is an admitted fact that the condition of the world is not the same always. It changes its colour always. When a man bears its waft of cold and hot air continuously, he becomes an experienced person and he starts telling;
Deha darey ka dand hai sab kahoo ko hoya.
Gyani bhogey gyan sey bhogi bhogey roya.
One of my relatives had the sour experience of the world, for the first time. He expresses his frustration through a letter that the matter in the letter is an expression of vairagya but it appears as an incarnate of gyan and a glittering figure internally. The photo of his thoughts can be seen from the following letter. As per my thinking, the word love is used with a cover of wrong meaning, other wise the word love has remained only for the use, like a phoenix.
1. Love of the parents is with the idea of their comfort.
2. Love of friends and others is with the idea of a helper.
3. Love of the wife is with the idea of fulfilling her desires.
4. Love of the children is with the idea of giver of comforts.
5. Love of the guru is with the idea of propagating his name.
6. Love of Paramatma is with the idea of following His instructions and remembering Him.
Where is the unselfish love?
1. Parents are worried, if the son is inefficient.
2. Friends disappear when there is no money.
3. When there is poverty and disease in the house, the house wife weeps and harasses.
4. If the children are treated harshly, they do not show their face.
5. If an inefficient disciple gets bad name to his guru, guru is displeased and
6. Does not remember him and does not obey his orders, lead a evil life and ready to go to Hell.
Want to know the good and bad ways, but helpless.
In the reply to the previous letter, details may be given, from your point of view. It is better to say that only one point of view was taken and made a sketch. Let me give other side of the reflection.
1. Children’s love towards the parents is with a view to their bringing up and comforts.