Page 128 - Journey to Infinity
P. 128
electricity, fire of the stomach, fire, light, oxygen, strength of reproduction, flow of thoughts, mental tendencies, wonders of intellect, gyan and vigyan, marfat, points of reality, Sun light, form and colour, love, company, love for the beloved, Atma, trigunas, Brahma, Parabrahma. The matter of interest, place and time and with the relation to Nature is the love, which is Atma, becomes the concern/interest and talent will be hidden where there is the interest.
God is love which is our Atma. It becomes a blemish, with the inclusion of selfish love, but the interest is also the necessity of Nature, which is not with out interest. Here interest is duty and responsibility. The other name for it is dharma. To nurse this dharma, with out any thought of compensation is the real dharma. This is called Nishkam karma. Every dharma is done merely for the sake of our Atma. Our Atma and other’s Atma are one. Therefore the practice of transactions is continuing. If we give any thing to others, it becomes necessary to take from others similar or a different kind of thing, knowingly or unknowingly. The two lines of plus and minus are doing their work correctly, whether we keep the account or not. The practice of transactions will not stop. What is the benefit from it? Nature makes us helpless to perform like that. This is our ignorance and stupidity that we remember every body but forget our Atma completely. If this is not understood, there is a story which is for exploring the result.
Some people forming a group, proceeded on a journey for some work. They had to cross a river on the way. There was a boat or not, they crossed the river and reached the shore. They wanted to check whether all the persons are there or any body has drowned in the river. Every body started counting the group but forgetting to count him self. Therefore there used to be one person less. They started weeping loudly. People asked for the reason, but nobody could settle the matter. At last an experienced sadhu came and settled the matter in the following way. He made them stand in a line and asked a person to count them in his presence. They started counting in the same manner. Then sadhu asked the person who is counting, as to why he is not counting himself and he is always forgetting to count himself. They have realized their mistake and satisfied with the explanation given by sadhu and dispersed. The matter is clear now. It is to be understood that karmendriyas, gyanendriyas, mind, intellect, chitta, ahankar and Atma are present in every body. While working, he counts keeping every body in front of him, but forgets himself who is a complete Atma and complete love.
Worldly people are unable to solve this problem. But a sadhu comes and imparts the knowledge of Atma and peace, like a guru and leaves with out any compensation and this is the only work for him. When the jiva is reformed,