Page 25 - Journey to Infinity
P. 25
coming generation will be progressive minded. Whatever you think, understand and do today will remain in seed form in the curtains of your mind and tomorrow a sapling comes out of it and it starts giving fruits. His condition is similar to the seed, which is buried in the ground, who will believe that seed will germinate in the favourable condition and it bears leaves, flowers and fruits. In the same way what ever works and desires are there at present, will form Samskars in the mind and produce large number of similar things in the future. If there is desire for happiness, it will happen, with out any doubt. But there is misery along with this happiness; there is no escape from it.
Just as miseries are three types, so also worldly happiness are three types, Aadhibhautic, Aadhidaivik and Aadhyatmic.
The happiness due to true behaviour/dealings and profession of animate, Bhootas and all the things is Aadhibhautik. The happiness we get from our cattle, servants, lot of wealth, is called Aadhibhautik. We like cold during summer and heat during winter. Sun appears lovely during winter. Moon is pleasant during nights. Animate are happy with rain. These are all Devatas. The happiness from them is called Aadhidaivik. Hunger and thirst are the waves of thoughts in the mind. Physical and mental tastes etc. are called Aadhyatmic happiness. The condition of three worldly miseries is like the worldly happiness. It is to be deeply thought that whether there is one aspect or two aspects in them and it is to be understood that where there is happiness in them, there is also misery.
It is beneficial to apply sandal for head ache.
It is also a head ache to rub it and to apply.
Some one is fomented by the heat of sun for a long time, with out any complaint. It has been accepted that the happiness of heart and mind are superior. The part of Aadhyatmik happiness, which is related to the heart and mind is very good happiness. There is no doubt in it, but as much as this is good the Aadhyatmic misery is equally bad. A man will not get the amount of trouble from any other thing as much as he gets from the Aadhyatmic i.e. miseries of heart. A thing becomes powerful and gives happiness depending on the extent of its subtleness, but as its subtle force helps in increasing the happiness, the same force also enhances the stage of misery. How can a man feel misery, when he remembers his dear friends and relatives, whom he was loving. When a man while estimating his present condition, erects a picture of future condition before his imaginary vision, thus he has to become the target of trouble. These are the benefits of the Aadhyatmik force. It is a folly to be attracted completely towards it, that which is visible as happiness and misery, bondage and liberation, mine, your, our, is also an Aadhyatmik play. Its