Page 35 - Journey to Infinity
P. 35
Metals, vegetables/plants and animal feel happiness only in this. It is wrong to think that the metals are lifeless. Every particle of it has the individuality and every thing has knowledge. No body can acquire a special appearance and live with out that. It is said that world is formed by the union of Prakriti and Purusha. Can you separate Purusha from any particle, with out the union of Atma, there can not be any creation. Therefore it is an essential and authentic statement that Atma is present at every place. Metallic things are seen to expand and contract during summer and winter season respectively. Expansion and contraction are the proof of life. Other than that, engineers have tested several times that the parts of a machine get tired working continuously and they do not work in spite of their efforts. They will again work after a period of rest. I have tested several times with the nib of a pen.
The things of metal are made of particles(Paramanus) and the condition of love and hatred seen in them is due to Atma. This love and hatred is called the power of attraction. If there were to be no Atma in them, they could not have been united. This metallic things are depending upon Rasayan(alchemy/medicine/chemistry), just like human beings. Just as you get drowsiness by drinking intoxicants, they will have similar effect. It is to be understood that their condition will become similar to human beings when he eats sour things. The difference is only of the layers. A time will come and probably coming then people will understand that minerals and inorganic material are not with out Atma. The presence of love and hatred in them is an authentic proof of their having life and a desire for happiness. Vegetables are also called lifeless, only relatively, other wise they also have the desire for happiness. They have comparatively more power of feeling than the minerals. They have the discrimination according to their condition and layer. Lajvanti plant has hatred towards the Paramanus emanating from the body of a man. Lotus blossoms at the time of dawn and expresses happiness and when the sun sets, the condition of Lily is same with the moon.
Some trees are carnivorous. Birds fear very much with this trees. All the trees give flowers and fruits at the time of their excitement, the branches of some trees get united like male and female, during special seasons. Some trees express their resentment by making a rattling noise and movement, when any vehicle goes near them. Some trees are found to be happy or unhappy in special conditions. In most of them the principles of birth are similar to human beings. There is a tree in America which has a rope tied to its root naturally. Two small skein are at the ends of this rope. They are the canals for water. When the tree is hungry, the root produces a swishing sound. Ropes move and fill their branches by swinging in the water and continue till they get completely drenched. I have seen a tree, a part of which only shakes or different parts shake, during wind and storm. But all the branches and root