Page 37 - Journey to Infinity
P. 37
understands. All the Sankalp and Vikalp are related to it. This is the last one to be born in human beings and is habituated to hesitation. People in whom Sankalp and Vikalp are more, are more miserable. But this is a progressive life. It is not possible to reach Satvik layer as long as one does not pass through the Rajasik layer. This is called Nafse Lavama(accusing self) and all types of desires, ambitions and aspirations are depending upon it. Sufis probably call it Qalbey Sanovary.
The higher state of heart is the one which takes a human being to the spiritual layer. A human being is fortunate to have all the matters of learning, rules of morality and knowledge of the world. Miracles and revelations are in it. This heart is fortunate to have Isthegarak (Dharana), Mahaveeyat (Dhyana) and Samadhi. This is called in Sufism as Qalbey Niloufary (blue lotus), which is subordinate to Nafse Mutmayeena (one’s satisfied self/soul).
This three layers of heart are so freely united together that it is very difficult for an ordinary human being to draw a line of discrimination between them. But there is definitely a difference. Sankhya Maharshi, Kapil Muni has established it in three forms; Manas, Ahankar and Budhi. These names are more in Vaaz and Muassar than previously. Some of the Shastrakars have also called them as Anthahkararana Chatushtah and they have added Chit to them. The real meaning is the same.
If all the stages in the life of a man are examined from beginning to the end of his life, all the emotions related to the heart of minerals, vegetables and animals, are seen in them. They are established in the form of minerals in the mother’s womb and after coming out they move and swing like vegetables and they change into the form of animals. The opinion of Western Ulma (philosophers) is that they take rest in the mother’s womb in the form of an insect. We have no objection for that. We look into the earlier stage and give it the stage of minerals.
When a child is born, he moves the limbs like a vegetable. Then he crawls like an insect and then walk like a quadruped and becomes a man. In fact man is an inverted tree, which has its roots upwards. A tree has its roots downwards. The difference between him and vegetables/plants is known from this.
Man has happiness in his body in the beginning. A child puts in the mouth what ever he gets. Then he develops animal emotions. Desires increase slowly and emotions of heart come, then intellectual powers become strong in them and produce greed for name and fame. This greed increases in elderly people. In the end, experience makes them realize that, this is only a greed and a thing of misery and repents and ashamed in the last leg of his life. Bodily happiness is different from the happiness of heart, more over intellectual happiness is