Page 38 - Journey to Infinity
P. 38
also different from it. The happiness of engagement in study of books, inventions, mania of hair splitting are the emotions of intellectual happiness and difference in them is according to the layers. Just as one child has the greed for story, in the same way an intellectual person forgets himself, in intellectual business. When there is a concentration of heart in them; a tormenter, painter, writer, Mudavvar (intellectual adviser), all man kind in some capacity or other concentrate in the heart. But this concentration is not the real concentration, rather a delusion. This has no relation with the concentration of yoga or spiritual concentration. Yes it is certain that it is better as it is higher than the layer of a common man. But even then it is far off from peace. It should not be considered that they could control their Chitta Vritties, even by mistake. They have not come in the line of Atma. Their beloved is merely the happiness of heart or intellect. They have no concern with the spiritual happiness. Most of the people who call themselves as Brahma Gnanies are also not the spiritual people. They may tell thousands of tales, may split the hair, call them selves as Brahma, but all these people only belong to the intellectual layer. Sant people understand them as Vachak Gnani and it is clear by their external conditions that they are entirely innocent of the destination of the Atma.
The happiness of these three layers is transient. There is no peace in them and there is no stroll in them. The relations of heart, intellect and body are a continuous chain which come before the legs (in the way), go on increasing and there will never be intervening space in them. It is neither self authoritative nor pertaining to right. A person coming into this layer will be always falling.
The persons reaching the left side/contrary side are intensely distressed by the jerks of miseries, inspite of being usually Nastik and Daharya (irrational, stupid) and die in a bad manner. If you can think more, consider their condition, especially when they are engaged in some trouble or disease which arises in the line of happiness. Their condition will be known at that time. Therefore in these circumstances, we should search for happiness, which should be the self authoritative and pertaining to the right side.
External happiness also will have the reflection of Atma. The flow of Atma is towards the place of your Indriyas on one side and the other side is towards the external objects. Then only happiness is felt. If a person is given sweet and he is told that it contains Bhang, he feels drowsy, even if there is no Bhang in it. If a sweet thing is eaten with the suspicion that it is bitter, it tastes bitter. In short, your Atma is real happiness. If in any manner the practice is done so that the Ulvi (higher) mind reaches the layers of Atma, he can see a store house of happiness in himself. With in few days of practice, he can