Page 100 - Liberal Exposition of Pranahuti Aided Meditation
P. 100

least put some amruthanjan here or a zandu balm there or some other brand, these things do happen. If you are a bit more religious you may go to some vibhudi, you may take some sripadarenu or you may take some tulsi teertham, do something, you will do something or the other to get rid of it. There is nothing very very great about it, very abnormal about it, every one of us would do it because it is a natural instinct. We have to come out of that natural instinct somehow and let us have an aspiration for that. When we ask God let us not ask for these things, these things we know how to get rid of them, at least, thanks to so many doctors now they will sort out most of the problems. We should aspire for spiritual upliftment. Begin your puja with a prayer for spiritual upliftment and rest not till that is achieved’. Rest not means, everyday if you are saying I will not rest till that time, it will not work, it’s a life time approach so we must go on doing this puja only in that way seeking for One, that is why the prayer says to you ‘Thou art the only God and power to bring me up to that stage’. This is the one of the most challenging things for us and at the same time one of the most unique prayers we have got. We are not asking for a status less than that of God, less than that of divinity. We would like to be one with the Master, His status shall be mine because we are He, we are no different from Him so don’t ask for a position less than that, ask for a position equal to that. In the end of course you realize you don’t exist, He alone exists that is a separate issue. Ultimately you don’t become that, only He becomes you but that is a separate subject but the fact is we are asked to pray for that. That is the challenge, that is the possibility that we are talking of. We are not talking in terms of being just disciples or devotees or slaves. That is granted in the beginning itself ‘we are yet but slaves of our wishes’, that we know. That is a very very polite way of saying that I am a slave of my animal instincts, slaves of my wishes. Suppose you just change those words ‘wishes’ and then put ‘animal instincts’, it applies better it makes more sense to understand but then my Master is always polite so he has given in that way and this is one of the prayers He got from the divine and therefore he gave it as it is.
The 3rd commandment says, oneness with the Divine, complete oneness. That means so long as we are selfish, self motivated, we are thinking about ourselves, our goals and our petty ends, you will not be in a position to become Him because he does not distinguish between one and the other. All our conflicts arise mainly because of individualities and personal goals, conflicting goals actually, very

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