Page 104 - Liberal Exposition of Pranahuti Aided Meditation
P. 104

no such thing is possible. It is plain and we through our artificial means have started controlling our feelings to such an extent that many times we don’t express our true feelings. Finally the personality, the persona being understood as some sort of a mask has totally covered your soul. People know only personalities, nobody knows the soul but our souls are one, we are one with each other, there is no difference between you and me. It is the personality that is giving a conflict and persona you know is a word that is coming from the word mask. It’s a mask, I have a mask you have a mask and this is what is fighting. Basically internally I want you to be good andyouwantmetobegood. Iwanttobekindtoyou,youwanttobekindtome, basically everybody has got this feeling. People are now afraid of touching a person, this has happened in the west much earlier, this is happening in India now, in some places at least. Somebody gets into an accident and if you touch him you are in troubles, if you touch that fellow you are in troubles because he says had you handled me better I would not had this problem, he goes to the court and then you are lost. For having attempted to do something good, you are getting into troubles. The personalities are in troubles now but basically the instinct is the same, there also they want to do some help, do some good to others. If 30 years or 40 years back or even about 50 years back, if you try to help somebody he used to accept it, today they will ask you the question why is it you are doing this. As a matter of fact I found this question in the institute also, many of the participants put this question why is it you people are doing this free, why is it. I want to be good, that’s all, I have no axe to grind. I want to say something which I know, if you are kind enough to come and hear me I will tell you, you don’t want to hear me and go alright you go, but then why is it you are doing is the question I could not understand. We will also show you the papers there are earlier batches of people who put this question, why is it you are doing this, what is it you want to do. We only said we want to be brothers, at least we want to tell you that we are brothers, whether I behave as such or not it depends upon my behaviour but at least I want to tell you. That’s my intention, I have no intention to tell anything wrong to you. I have benefited from my great Master which I wanted to pass on to you. Please see what it is, if you can follow it, follow it, if not, very good having spend some time with us let us be happy. This is what I have been telling but then that itself is a big problem for us to defend, it has become very big problem now and then it becomes, why do you waste so much time? I don’t waste, I spend, I usefully spend. When I communicate to you, I consider this is the best time

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