Page 106 - Liberal Exposition of Pranahuti Aided Meditation
P. 106

you just disturb one from the other you are in troubles, you are in chaos. Just what can happen to you is something nobody can imagine. If sun were to rise just a fraction of a second later than what he is supposed to, then we are in real troubles we really don’t know what will happen to us, so that is the natural order. On the natural order is dependent upon your truth because that is the truth. Truth should always be linked with the Rtam. Rtam, Satyam - they are interdependent. By following that order in my life I maintain that order, by that order I live, this is what you are supposed to remember everyday at the time of eating food. There is a mantra for this which says that because of the truth, the eternal dharma that is there, the rhythm that is there, I am able to practice the truth and because I practiced the truth the rtam shall continue. Any change in this is likely to lead us to disaster and that is what is happening today with your ecological imbalance. You try to touch this, you misbehave with the nature and it starts giving its own results. You get akala varsham, you get enormous heat, all our making only, nobody else has made it. Now you come to know after enormous amount of misuse of nature, you come to talk about it today and the joke of it is, the people who have polluted started telling us who are just now learning to pollute, that you should not pollute. They are the fellows who have polluted, whoever asked them to do that. So this is the problem between the developed and developing countries. They disturbed it so badly they are now telling us now you should not do because they know now what the problem is, this we knew from the beginning. Recyclable energy systems etc things that now we are taking about really funny for me to hear. Our fellows knew it much earlier all these things, they knew, they never wasted anything but today we are again learning all sorts of things. We seem to be learning, really we are just only remembering or recall. Something that is buried deep in us is being recalled now. So this particular nature, be truthful is not a question of just speaking truth in this system, speak truth is not this, it is be truthful. Our true nature is that of being divine and we should be truthful to it. The call is that you should be divine, you should live for others, you should sacrifice yourself, your values should be of the higher order, be in truth, that is, be in that condition which God has asked you to, be truthful to you nature. We are descendents of the Divine, we are expressions of the Divine, we are manifestations of the Divine and that is our right to uphold it. I don’t have to become devilish, I need not. The charm of the system is that we are asked to be one with the Divine. You are one there is no doubt about it, only thing is we are trying to put it low

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