Page 131 - Liberal Exposition of Pranahuti Aided Meditation
P. 131

got finally emerges from this place, that is the place where you get to know about the thoughts. Whatever thought you think, it comes there and then that is the one which creates your destiny. Similar is the position of the chit lake, it is some sort of an inversion at the higher plane where all the thoughts are there and from there only you are going to get all the thoughts and we can clean that up to see that certain amount of tranquility is given or obtained by the aspirant but then this is not resorted to everyday for the only reason it is not all that easy to tackle that. It is turbulent in our minds, unless the mind is already disciplined to some extent through yama and niyama, it doesn’t make any sense to touch it, it is just entering into the stormy waters of the ocean, you can’t cool it down. The diversion of the flow of consciousness to the atma chakra and the trying to lift you from the lower plane to the upper plane takes care of the control of the chit lake automatically because these are the two things that disturb us most. If this disturbance is reduced, the disturbance in that sea can be reduced and then any suggestion given right there is going to help us out here. Ananda as I said ends at the 5th knot, chit ends here (refer book Path of Grace) and then simple existence moves on. When you meditate you neither have chit nor the ananda but simply you are meditating and that is the sat. All the three put together is your sahasrara – satchitananda, you have got to move on. Tradition says this is the final limit, beyond this you do not go but Rev. SriRamchandraji Maharaj says you have to go still further. The thought can come to a stage, satchitananda can come to a stage of just not knowing what is the Reality itself, come to a stage of not knowing what it is, because you seem to be struggling with these three concepts again and again. There seems to be no way out of these three thoughts, the whole existence comprises of these, we come to that conclusion and they have come to that conclusion. With assiduous practice they have come to that conclusion but Master says this condition is a refuse of Reality. Reality is something more, consciousness per se if we move on, non awareness of existence itself, how it will be? How will it be? If you ask the question how it will be, how can you understand unless you are there. Up to this we are able to move on with the mind, this talk was going on, struggling after the ananda struggling with these concepts but now we come to a stage where no concept seems to work, that is the realm of God - the mind region starts as He says it. Upto shikara it is heart region, beyond that it is mind region, mind region of God - not ours, where exactly is the scheme of things, a blue print of our existence, it’s in the mind region and by

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