Page 16 - Liberal Exposition of Pranahuti Aided Meditation
P. 16

like to be totally independent of all others and just don’t bother but then creation itself is interdependency, we have all come together to be interdependent. So the value of God, the value initiated by God, value initiated by life process - you don’t want to use the word God, you use the life process if you want or you use the word prana if you want or you use the word elan vital if you want. The One for manifestation is just trying to make us understand the value of coexistence whereas sadhana till recently was meant to be something that is exclusively your own. You have nothing to do with others, I will realize, I will get into satchidananda swaroopa and there I am lost. I am not bothered about other peoples’ existence. Such people do not live; they do not live the life that God wanted them to live. We have to live a life of interdependency; we have to tell the glory of God. Each one of us have been made so very delicately by God that each one of us have got a message to give to others. In our obsession to know about our own greatness we are misunderstanding our own nature and we don’t understand that we have got a message to give to others. A thorn has got a message, a flower has got its own message. Everything has got a purpose. You and I are not meaningless creatures here. We have a meaning whereby we can show and express our love to others, our concern for others, concern for the welfare of others. So long as my orientation is towards you it is possible but I have been told all that time that I should bother about myself including sadhana. So the sadhana that we do is for the general good and not for our individual good and general good is not possible without individual good and individual good is not possible without a general good so it is something that goes together. That’s why we have been asked to live the sahajeevana concept. It is a very tough concept. sahanaabhavathu sahanoubhunakthu. These are all the vedic statements. Why? Why should we live together? We have to live together then only we will be happy. If you are living on your own you will never be happy. That is one of the reasons perhaps why so many sanyasis after having gone elsewhere have also turned back again to the same society to come back to us and tell us they have got a message to give. They have got something to tell. If he had gone all alone, he should have gone all alone. Why should he come back again?
A real meaning of life comes to a person only when you live for others. This parahita and parasukha are the basic points. Now the question is we have been taught, we have been conditioned to think as if we are all independent, as if our

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