Page 19 - Liberal Exposition of Pranahuti Aided Meditation
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like. This when practiced develops into what we call, the love, universal love, if you try to put the other way first universal love and then I will come to this we will never be in a position to practice that. So we have to consciously develop our mind to think that all the people are improving spiritually, it’s a great sacrifice, it is a great exercise of your mind, it is a bit of a yajna actually where you are using your mental power for the good of others. Thought has got its own capacity, so your thought will be in a position to influence others. Does it, does it not ? Whether it does in the others or not, first of all it develops you, this we have seen. We have experienced the changes in ourselves that we tend to develop certain spiritual characteristics of tolerance, of more and more of concern for other people. This is what we have seen in ourselves developing, but the argument mainly is that all of us will be in a position to move towards that direction. So this has been variously discussed by Buddha, by Jain, every saint has mentioned the importance of this universal brotherhood or universal peace, latest of course is even Aurobindonian’s logic of universal love, unity, human unity, all these things are based on this, human unity is another point that we have got to understand. How to develop that they have not said, how to develop that is said in this system. You practice it, you will see the change; you don’t practice it ,naturally you don’t get it, there is no complaint afterwards. Whenever you follow a thing you must follow it fully, see whether the result is coming or not then you should continue. If the result is not coming, you can definitely stop. That is the type of challenge with which SriRamchandraji Maharaj comes forward so the same challenge is passed onto you, meditation on the points ‘A’ and ‘B’.
This diversion of the flow of consciousness from the lower realms to the higher realms is again another significant practice that is done in the system, which you will see for yourself. How this is made possible? This is made possible by the influx of the Divine grace called Pranahuti, a very unique process. The influx of the Divine which you feel in your heart during the process of introduction continues, sometimes more consciously, sometimes less consciously but always there. It is this assistance from the Master that is the exclusive characteristic of the system of Sri RamChandra’s Rajayoga about which we do not find elsewhere any talk. This naturally leads to two more concepts of having a satsang and also having what we call an individual sitting. Every abhyasi is asked to take individually sittings from a trainer, whoever is the trainer, at regular intervals so that your path is properly

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