Page 34 - Liberal Exposition of Pranahuti Aided Meditation
P. 34

disturbed and you cannot help recording it, record it that the thoughts relating to this came because that will enable you the next day to determine that you should not fall a prey to that. If you don’t record it, surely you are not going to get rid of it because unless you know your enemy you will never defeat him. You must know the power of your enemy and these are inimical to your aspirations. First three layers of our consciousness are inimical to our aspiration, they will try to distract you, they will try to take away all the time of your meditation. It is possible certain times, suppose if there is a marriage at your house, perhaps it will take away all the time, in happiness. Suppose if there is bereavement in your house, it will take away all the time in your sadness. Exceptions are exceptions, you need not bother about it, you can ignore. If you are not able to meditate on those days I will say don’t bother about it but that cannot be an excuse for every alternative day you know. Exceptions are exceptions, exceptions never become rule. So these meditations that you are going to have, you will definitely have these type of problems all the time.
Once you know that it is Divine light without luminosity that is the object of your attention and your helplessness, your helplessness before the Divine is what is to be enshrined in your heart and to do that the prayer of the system is there which says that God is the goal and God is the means. The end is God, Master is the goal of human life. Thou art the only God and Power to bring me upto that stage - the means. So the means for us is He, why? because I cannot do that. I cannot contemplate on Divine light without luminosity therefore He alone has to help me on that. That is the means and the Goal is Himself. I would like to feel as much related as He is to all the human beings. When we say I should become Divine, we are asking for the relationship which the Divine has established with all of us. If you are One with Him that means we are One with all in the world. That is where we say that the borders of Love get expanded. Is it Love for yourself, Narcissistic Love? No, it is Universal love. Universal Love is a Reality, it is not an ambition. You will vibrate, you will feel bad about everything that is happening elsewhere but at the same time you have got the confidence to say, ‘Yes, I am here, don’t bother’. Why? Righteousness will win. Good will succeed. This faith comes to a person who feels Oneness with the Divine. It is the Divine that was getting defeated, please note this. It was the Divine that was getting defeated again and again. In human history you will find again and again it is Divinity that lost the game but it has never left it

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