Page 40 - Liberal Exposition of Pranahuti Aided Meditation
P. 40

Man has to grow further and he can grow only when his thinking grows. Now, that being the goal, that being the goal of our life, namely, to live happily and to make others happy showing the best that is in us in action - all these things being our goal. Not the absolute Ultimate Reality about which everybody seems to be eager to talk about because that is one thing you do not know. So you can always talk about what you do not know. You can definitely write novels of flying Horses with horns, name them also, non-existent objects have also been named. They are called unicorns. I do not know who remembered? Who saw that and why it was named so. We have several things like that. We can imagine. Similarly people have imagined about Reality as they like. They have pleasure. It gave them pleasure. It gave pleasure to many others who heard. I am talking to you about a life situation where you have to live with others, you have to live in a balanced condition, you should be at peace with yourself, you should be at peace with others and express the best potential that you have got for the good of all, which includes you. When you say all, you are already included in that. If that is the goal that you are keeping in mind and you want to achieve it, you require enormous determination
People who are slaves of small habits which they have developed during this life time - may be a cup of coffee, may be a tea, may be a smoke, may be a drink, may be a cinema, may be some entertainment hall or a drama. Whatever it is, hundreds of things, they are not able to get rid of it in spite of a will on their part. They also desire to get rid of all of them, they know it is bad. I also know I have got one problem. I am a diabetic but still I like to eat sweets. It doesn’t leave. It seems to be haunting. The sankalpa is weak. I agree, you have to agree like that. There are several things you have got, then only you will understand what is the level of your sankalpa.
Now I bring you back to the ancient tradition of this country - for doing any and everything you are asked to do a sankalpa. Without doing a sankalpa, there is no vratam, there is no tapam, there is no puja, there is nothing that is possible for you. Why? Why do we require this explicit saying that, “this world was started on such and such day, I am now within this Manmantara and staying within this place I am staying and I decide on this auspicious Nakshatram or whatever it is. I decide to do these things.” Why? Why all these things? Why this reference? All these things enable you to think of your interrelatedness. That you are not an independent fellow,

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