Page 42 - Liberal Exposition of Pranahuti Aided Meditation
P. 42

something that you are going to say, yes with this help you have reached everything. No, it is not that. It is a support, a Divine will supporting your will. Why does the Divine will? Why should it will at all? History has told us that irrespective of the number of prophets and avatars who have come, human nature has not changed. Fraternity has become worse over 3 or 4 yugas now. What was the real brotherhood during Ramayana period has now today ended up in a hopelessly bad warfare among brothers, now that is going on. Every family is going through, every country is going through which we don’t have to discuss in detail. The ideal values of satya yuga are lost. Man has chosen to become totally independent, interdependence is lost. The one thing that industrialization has effectively done to ruin our society is to abolish the joint family system where sharing was a principle of existence. Today we do not believe in all that. It is very difficult to make anybody to accept all this. After all, the wheel of time cannot be rotated back, it moves always forward. You cannot undo what has been done. So a state has come when man has become so isolated, so individuated, that unless there is an influx of the Divine into every person, this particular transformation is not likely to happen. The sankalpa itself will not stand.
You sit in meditation, you think about a Divine light in the heart and sit. Your mind was not sitting on that, the mind was just going around all the places in this world. It is capable of sustaining that thought only for some seconds. You are not able to do it for more, and naturally, there is nothing abnormal about it. There is nobody who is maintaining his thought on the Divine light just like that at the first time, it is not possible. The prathyahara that is given to you is a Divine light, that itself is something that you do not have any awareness of, you do not know anything about it. . On the other hand had we suggested that you take SriRamchandraji Maharaj’s photograph or Lalaji’s photograph or Venkateswara Swamy’s photograph, it is much easier. You can grapple with that, you can play with it, you can put his hand up or put his hand down. You can make him smile or make him laugh or you can make him weep. You can do anything you want with an object given to you to manipulate, you can do anything. Here nothing is given to you to manipulate.
We are suggesting that the Ultimate Reality is something that is neither form nor formless. It is nothing new, everybody has said it and they said you take to the form and from the form you go to the formless and from the formless you go to the formless form. Go, Go beyond that. This is what they were suggesting. On the

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