Page 222 - Meditation – Pujya SriRamchandraji Maharaj
P. 222

fortunate to have the motivation we do have, to practice the path. But, at the same time, because we are ordinary house hold people, at times our motivation may become somewhat impure. It is necessary, therefore, to turn inward, and to actually look at our motivation, and see what it really is. If our motivation is a good and genuine one, then we should delight in that and expand the same further.
But if we find that our motivation is a negative one, is based on a fixation on a self and so on, then we have to simply ignore and generate a pure motivation. This is a great technique that Master has given us when he advised us to ignore all the thoughts other than the Pure One which we have chosen to meditate upon. We thus generate pure motivation. This aspect of letting go the various thoughts that arise in us which affect our pure motivation was sought to be tackled in a similar manner by many other methods also.
There is in this method a hidden assumption: that as the Oneness is realized, the inappropriateness of the concepts that were dictating our mode of action and thinking processes will become apparent and would fall
away. But we know that this assumption is not 222

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