Page 325 - Meditation – Pujya SriRamchandraji Maharaj
P. 325

state silence and superstition are not causally related.
Silence does not assume or imply superstition. Moreover, superstition cannot be the subject of silence, because only when we remove superstition silence remains. It is true that ideas do come and go in silence like materials floating on the ocean. It does not mean that the ocean will cease to be without those objects disturbing if not polluting it. This is the experience of many of our aspirants who participated in the Mansarovar programs.
The malady of the modern man is his habit of perennially polluting Silence with thoughts just as we pollute the world‘s great rivers with the vile waste of humankind. Many aspirants somehow think they can enter silence taking their prejudices with them and they cling to these preconceived ideas of what Silence is. As a result, they do not truly dive deep into the Silence. The reason is that to let go of such ideas is to let go of the sense of oneself, to let go of identity, and that is death to the ego. Even the ideas of heaven and hell are a consolation to the ego, because in both heaven and hell the identity lives forever and is even
important enough for eternal life or torment. It 325

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