Page 355 - Meditation – Pujya SriRamchandraji Maharaj
P. 355

dismiss the benefit of such methods as they do recognize the hunger to be free.
The main habit of thinking that interferes with our sadhana is that of conceiving realization (of Master) as something to be attained by some means. It means such a realization (of Master) is something that not only comes and goes in our mind but also that (realization of Master) is something we don't already have. It means that we have through habit of mind turned Master into an object that is desired. It can be seen that this seeking affirms a sense of separateness we feel in the mind. During meditation through Pranahuti we find that there is no separateness and everything is experienced as a vast expanse and most times of Void and we find that the separateness dissolves along with the collapse of time and space. That is the real experience of Silence where there appears to be no mind and habits of the mind are dissolved. This silence we experience is not relative to ideas or definitions about it. This silence abides while the thoughts come and pass unobtrusively which our great Master so pithily expressed as a condition of Non Concentration Concentration. Obviously the ideas about this Silence (which I prefer to

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