Page 82 - Meditation – Pujya SriRamchandraji Maharaj
P. 82

place, in a particular pose which is easy and not rigid. We do not try to compel the body because the reactions from the body later will be bad. We have to tune the body and not to keep it tight. That attitude is easy for effective meditation. Many of the abhyasis feel that meditation is a very arduous task. It will be arduous if you make it a strange thing for your system. But if you can take it in an easy way it will be good. Of course, I do not advise that we should lie down and do meditation. Some people have asked me the question whether they can lie down and meditate. What can I say? I consider it is not etiquette leave alone its necessity for a lazy fellow. All that I say is let us observe etiquette in regard to the high powers that we are inviting. That is proper meditation. Then we sit not in anxiety, not in fear, but seeking the life blood which will flow into our system. Then we are bound to be considerate about the power that comes to us. We should not be sluggish, lazy and should not come to meditation as if we are going to sleep, though some times we feel sleepy during meditation. In such cases what happens is that we are in meditation which is akin to sleep. But that is not sleep at all. Because that is a state

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