Page 167 - The Path of Grace
P. 167

It should be noted that spiritual vanity represents another form of darkness. Instead of fear in that case the opposite weakness manifests itself, namely self-confidence a quality which by its “selfness” betrays the Ahankara. Self confidence is the forerunner of pride which puts the aspirant on a lofty pedestal at the foot of which the rest of humanity is deemed to crawl like so many insects. Spiritual pride is the worst enemy to realization of the Ultimate. The lie of dualism shall end even as a falsity of the liar should. This is the worst lie and can never go unless the single pointed orientation to the Master develops to the exclusion of all. In the house of the Lord only one exists and that is the Lord.
It may be seen that the traditional system of yoga does not talk of any knot or centre between Ajna chakra and Sahasrara. However, there are references to certain unnamed centres in the works of the Saint Jnana Deva. In his book “Kundalini and Meditation” Sri Arjun Dass Mallik refers to the works of a Saint Sabhapati Swami who has given a graphic account of the points and knots in human frame. However, unfortunately the full details of the nature of these knots are not mentioned in the book. Suffice it to say that there have been glimpses of such

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