Page 165 - The Path of Grace
P. 165

successful pursuit of his sadhana. It is only before one reaches this stage the attitude of questioning the events that take place which are both bad and good. He comes to a stage of accepting everything as a divine will and has no difficulty in accepting everything as a gift of the Divine also. Earlier to this condition such attitude is only artificial and is an attempt at imitating the higher condition however good it may be to stabilize one in sadhana. So far the condition of the aspirant is such that he was carefully guarding his lapses and putting it before the Master but at the same time was never hesitant to point out the lapses on the part of others. As the Lord Buddha said ‘a man winnows his neighbours’ faults like chaff, but his own faults he hides, as a cheat hides the false die from the gambler.’ It is so far the habit of talking ‘truths’ about others or what their Ahankara suggests to them as ‘truths’ about others and always placing themselves at the level of a judge. This is one of the worst Ahankaric coverings that is got rid off by the grace of the Master before entering the realm of piety which is a very high condition. This it should be clear needs

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