Page 26 - The Path of Grace
P. 26

Even as the cursed Sadhvi Ahalya was blessed by Avatar Rama by His feet blessing her, so did my Master bless me by His coming to our house. Wonder of wonders, a teenager and active sportsman, I was taken to the Railway Station by my father to receive the Master in 1955. Something deep in me urged me to fall at His feet and seek refuge. No problems, no worries and yet the urge to seek refuge. The Master, I now understand, pulled me towards Him. The Holy feet of the Master were then my refuge and so is it today. That is the Goal as I see it and experience it.
I think it is necessary to write about my competence to write this type of book. I started practicing this system of sadhana in 1956 and have been in it since then getting guidance and assistance from the Masters all through. Without going into the details of various states and stages in sadhana at different points of time I state that the Master Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj of Shahjahanpur, U.P. India wrote in his letter dated 22nd Oct. 1979 “You know Narayana that I have done whatever the need was for the spiritual life of man and the work is

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