Page 28 - The Path of Grace
P. 28

material through others, used by him as his instrument and above all made me experience again and again the various states. I then came to know what the Master meant when he said “one should develop the capacity to move up and down” the spiritual planes of consciousness.
As I said above I consider myself blessed. But the thought comes “Are not others who came to the fold of Master and many more coming now?” Yes they are. Only they should realize so. It is a great fortune to hear of Sri Ramchandraji of Shahjahanpur. But the fortune should lead us to the awareness of recognizing Him as the goal of our life. The meaning of life is to know Him, to live in Him and for Him. As a matter of fact the Master said that “It is the primary duty of Man to realize God”. This is not a realisation in forest or loneliness or in wilderness. When Master becomes the meaning of life, all existence which is an expression of the Master deserves every service from us. Such a service to mankind, animal kingdom and all existence is the meaning of life. The inherence of the Master everywhere is the Truth. So long as it is

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