Page 271 - The Path of Grace
P. 271

The Pranamaya Kosa is the sphere of the five senses, the five Pranas; they form this cover. There are Upa-Pranas also. They are called: Nag, Kurma, Gridhra, Devadatta and Dhananjaya. It is stated in tradition that Nag causes belching, Kurma causes blinking of the eyelids, Gridhra is responsible for sneezing, Devadatta causes the yawn, and Dhananjaya fills the body and causes it to grow fat. Even after death, these affect the body and cause changes in the corpse.
The nature of Pranamaya Kosa is studied conventionally with reference to the state of sleep. When the individual is asleep, the Pranas, or vital airs are moving; but one does not know what is happening in him or around him. He does not do any conscious act during his sleep. He is inert and inactive like a log. This state which appears to be similar to death is different because after sleep the individual again gets up and goes to work. He therefore contemplates that his nature is not this inertness. Since I regained my consciousness I must also have been conscious though not aware during

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