Page 273 - The Path of Grace
P. 273

astral-pranic thread that connects the astral body through the navel to the physical body. During out- of-the-body experiences, this connection is often seen as a cord of light connecting the physical, astral and spiritual bodies.
In fact our Master says (and it is observed) that the astral-pranic thread has its origin in the heart where the same is observed as a membrane of thought. If the person has purified himself through rigorous cleaning and kept his points A and B pure it becomes easy to severe the connection that the membrane has to the astral pranic thread and thus the individual is enabled to cross over the cycles of rebirth.
It is painful to the astral body to have the physical body cut or disturbed seriously within hours after death. The soul can see and feel this, and it tries vainly to detain the things going on. As soon as a person dear to him touches the body, the dead person tries to pass on his/her Antahkarana (inner apparatus) of all good deeds to that person. This is felt as vibrations emanating from the right toe of the

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