Page 284 - The Path of Grace
P. 284

Manomaya Kosa it means the subtle mind or in the language of Western Psychologists the ‘Unconscious’ part of our mind.
We have had occasion to observe that it is the Unconscious mind that controls the conscious mind. It is responsible for the functions of 1) memory, 2) contemplation, 3) experience of pleasure and pain and 4) dreaming. This sphere of the mind is governed by the pleasure principle- that it seeks always to gratify its demands.
The pleasure seeking principle of the mind gets enormous strength from the Pranamaya Kosa and Annamaya Kosa and the mind is capable of concocting reasons for whatever acts aimed at pleasure seeking.
Let us now examine the nature of memory. In spiritual discipline we classify memory into two types. One relates to the cerebral memory which consists essentially of memory of the current life and the other extra cerebral memory that relates to past lives.

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