Page 285 - The Path of Grace
P. 285

The cerebral memory is stored in the brain and relates to the Annamaya Kosa and Pranamaya Kosa. Almost all the memory that is used in our life relates to this memory only. Before we enquire into the nature of memory of the past lives it is necessary that we relieve ourselves of the weight of the samskaras caused by the actions/thoughts of the present life. These thoughts are the one’s that are retrievable under hypnosis without being filtered by the conscious mind. This possibility made many think that all memory including those of past lives can be recalled during hypnosis of different varieties which is not true. It is only Pranahuti that is offered by a qualified and competent person that can clear the samskaras of the past lives.
It is necessary to know that the Extra Cerebral Memory that comes from our past lives, gets recalled only when there is a component of the same being stored in this life time. This memory we know is consciously available in some cases and that too when a person is young or when a child. The information available about conscious memory of past lives reveals that the persons are emotionally

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