Page 32 - The Path of Grace
P. 32

First chakra is survival, vitality and grounding to physical life. Second chakra is emotions, nurturing and shelter. Third chakra is thoughts and power systems. Fourth chakra is love, health and relationships. Fifth chakra is communication and higher creativity. Sixth chakra is inspiration, imagination and spiritual power. Seventh chakra is unity with multidimensional consciousness.
The chakras represent not only a particular part of our body, but also a part of our consciousness. Each chakra represents how our unconscious and super conscious selves communicate with our conscious self.
First chakra rules the skeleton, legs, knees and feet. Second chakra rules the genitals, abdomen and lower back. Third chakra rules the liver, gall bladder, stomach, spleen and pancreas. Fourth chakra rules the heart, lungs, immune system, arms and hands. Fifth chakra rules the throat, mouth, speech and hearing. Sixth chakra rules the vision, face, head, sleep and dreams. Seventh chakra rules the brain and nervous system.

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