Page 55 - The Path of Grace
P. 55

hood or ecstasy. The housewife has always been apprehensive of this development and always tried to wean out the husband from such practices. It is precisely for this purpose we should know the course or the path we are going to tread and tally our experiences with that which is given and trodden by others in the path earlier. To ignore this need to verify our experiences with that of the authentic records and narrations of the path is to ignore the basics. This commentary tries to place before the sadhakas the need to keep the goal in view and also know how much more one has to cover the distance so that complacency (including the one that one is in safe hands) does not develop and the restless urge to reach the goal is kept always in view.
It is humbly submitted the commentary itself is written only by the Grace of the Master and no credit is due to the author for any clarity that has occurred to any person. The system of Rajayoga developed by the master, though has the sketch of the Patanjali Yoga, is totally new and the techniques and methods given by the master are unique and highly effective. The commentary does not discuss

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