Page 56 - The Path of Grace
P. 56

in detail about such methods of sadhana but is content with elaborating the nature of various knots. In the yogic literature there are very few occasions when great saints delved on the regions between Ajna and Sahasrara. That there are only 6 chakras starting from Mooladhara up to Ajna is well known and they are the sadhana chakras. Sahasrara is the anubhava chakra and there is no sadhana in its realm. It is satchitananda par excellence and is the goal according to almost all yogic systems.
However, Saint Jnana Deva did mention about certain knots between Ajna and Sahasrara in his ‘Jnaneswari’. But they related to the movement of Kundalini and no detailed account of the states of mind in those knots or points were given. Another saint of the South India said to have lived near Annamalai, Sri Sabhapathi Swami has given a graphic picture of the various knots but no states of mind discussed by him are available.

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