Page 75 - The Path of Grace
P. 75

for the preservation of the heart from tensions, yet in so far as the knots also work as brakes, the flow from above is impeded. When the free flow is restored, the heart gets its supply of spiritual energy and works to its fullest potentiality and capacity.
The knots are centres of hidden powers and most siddhas utilize these knots for the performance of supernormal feats. In the yoga of Sri Ramchandra the aim is to utilize the force or energy at each center or point or knot for moving upwards till the final goal is reached. The dissipation of the powers at each knot through exercise of miracles at each knot will prevent them from being used for the upward movement. Thus such an approach is considered suicidal to the progress in the path of spirituality. On the contrary it is possible and necessary that the power of the knots of the lower levels could be utilized as successive rockets for going out into the vast spaces of one's spiritual life.
The knots have to be first entered into. This is done by the sadhaka through constant efforts at purification through special meditational practices

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