Page 76 - The Path of Grace
P. 76

prescribed by the great Master and through regular meditation. However, with the practice of PAM this becomes easier. The entry into the knots where various spiritual states are experienced cannot be done without the whole surface being cleaned of all dark sediments etc., which are collected over the knot. These sediments or black points or specks or even firm slabs require to be removed by the application of will of the trainer through transmission of spiritual life force or Prana. The knot is opened up gently through transmission and with this the soul is enabled to move freely in the knot without in any way affecting the structure. It may be made clear that in the system of Sri Ramchandra’s Raja yoga, soul is always treated as a conglomerate consisting of four principles called as Chit (consciousness), Manas (mind), Buddhi (intellect) and Ahankar (ego). When we say the soul moves freely in the knot it is meant that the consciousness moves in that realm and has full awareness of the nature of the knot and conversely the fact of purification is known when the characteristic of the knot is felt by the aspirant.

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