Page 143 - Path to Perfection
P. 143

discharged from his post. But another servant, because of his eternal nearness and personal closeness, and because of his services, may find such a hold upon his master that all the powers may be given to him by the master. And if that servant uses those powers in such away that he associates the name of the master with every action, I feel that occasion will never arise for any misgiving in heart of the Master, and he would never feel that his Kingship would suffer, and so he would never depose the servant from his office after forfeiting his powers.
Considering oneself to be a sinner and subject to a wave is the height of human gentlemanliness. Rather, this is a special blessing and kindness of God. You have written that you often weep because of your condition. It is a pity that one weeps while being fed with ghee and pudding, where as he is happy on chewing dry gram. This very condition is termed Big dagdha (frying of a seed) and, due to this, freedom from slavery results. To weep in this condition is due to foolishness and lack of knowledge. How can one thank God for this blessing? So remove this misgiving and foolishness, otherwise this will constitute ingratitude for the blessings of God. Then you yourself write that you derive pleasure of death in life. What does this contradictory writing mean? Conditionlessness is a symptom of arriving at the boundaries of Self. But you are at present stuck with the thought of conditionlessness. These conditions of conditionlessness are identical. The gracious God will create this condition also. The dream of 7th February is probably regarding the hukka. It is nothing more than this. That of the 13th February is quite plain and needs no explanation. All the remaining dreams are ordinary and simple, and do not require explaining.
Blessings to children and salutations to all. All the letters have been sent. Letters for persons whose addresses I do not know have been written and are kept.
Ram Chandra (Fatehgarh)
[pg. 191-198, A.B. I]

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