Page 21 - Path to Perfection
P. 21

love to be the greatest tapas. He preferred the middle way and regarded the meditation on the heart as the real sadhana. He attached great importance to prayer, but it was not be for material gain. He himself constantly prayed for the soul of this world.
Sri Lalaji was very particular regarding conduct. He announced in unambiguous terms that realisation of self was not possible without adhering to the standard moral code of conduct. He even forbade association and satsangh with immoral persons. He insisted that company should be kept only with those persons whose hearts are brimming with love for God and those who could influence others with it.
He considered three things necessary for a saint 1. Permanent bodily ailment
2. Financial stringency and
3. nindak - one finding fault with.
The real sadhana is to balance the mind. Eat less and earn a honest living. Without taking honestly earned food, spiritual experiences often go wrong.
Once he wrote – “It is good to be put to worries. The home is the training center for submission and endurance, etc. It is the greatest form of penance and sacrifice.” At another place he wrote “As for afflictions and worries, I too had mine which might perhaps be shocking to another. Often I had nothing for my meals. I had a number of children and dependents to support. Besides, at a times I had to help others too, which I could not avoid. The entire responsibility was upon me alone and I had to manage all that and provide for all requirements. I may also tell you that sometimes there was only one quilt, and that too with mutilated padding, to cover the entire family. But I took it as a display of misfortune only which passed away with time. I felt that all this was absolutely of no importance to me as compared to Reality which was predominant in all my being. So I ever smiled on them thinking them to be the very way of liberation.”
He always advised to cleanse our manas (mind) with practice and sadhana and then read, otherwise Reality will be lost upon you. He advised to avoid becoming a Master and serve as a servant should.

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