Page 11 - Sparkles and Flashes
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at Shahjahanpur, in a respectable kayastha family. His father was Raj Bahadur Sri Badri Prasad, Pleader and I Class Honorary Magistrate at Shahjahanpur, and was a great scholar.
Even from childhood Sri Ramchandraji showed no interest in temporal affairs including eating food. Nor his interest in learning anything but superficial. He was poor in studies and was least interested about it. But when he was sixteen he had developed a taste for philosophy, literature and geography. He was good at games, particularly Hockey, Football, and riding, all of which he gave up later in his teens itself. All these years he was yearning for realisation and was developing a thirst for Reality.
It was a very happy day when he arrived at the feet of Sri Ramchandraji of Fatehgarh, (U.P.), one of the most renowned Saints of India and who may well be called an Avatar, who brought into use the old and forgotten method of Transmission used by Yogis several thousand years back, on 3 June 1922. He commenced his spiritual training of abhyas under his guidance and gave up the practice of pranayama which he was doing for over 7 years then.
After his matriculation he joined the Court and retired in 1954 after 30 years of service. Through out his life he was never worried about promotions or for any favours from his officers. He was preparing himself and doing certain activities for the Divine work, which was waiting for him.
His spiritual experiences are beyond the normal comprehension of ordinary men. His experiences are simple, perfect and one with the vedic seers and probably of a higher order. In 1924 he felt that God is pervading over everything like broad day light.
It was on 14 August, 1931 that his Guru entered Maha Samadhi and on 15 he felt that his Guru has transmitted him everything of His. It was a state of complete mergence of His Guru into him. On October 12 of 1932 he received further transmissions from His Master which he was not able to bear fully and he was overfull with Divine Energy. It was by the grace of his Guru that he later in 1944 was blessed with the vision of the light that Moses saw and also Sri Krishna's Virat Svarupa. Sri Ramchandra Mission was founded in 1944 by him to carry out the mission of his Master.
His work now is that of training the men who are eager to solve their problem of

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