Page 19 - Sparkles and Flashes
P. 19

this tiny creation of our making or to unfold ourselves.
8. When unwelcome thoughts arose, I just supposed them to be those of my Master. And they were off.
9. The absence of the egoistic feeling means the advent of real potent vigour. How can this be achieved? Only by linking our self with the great power of the Divine. Doing so, we go on covering stages after stages till we get closer to Him.
10.I do want that all of you may emerge as the Suns in the field of Spirituality but it is possible only if the reflection of the earth is not allowed to be cast on the sun and this is feasible only if you work out your orbit accordingly. When can be the orbit made? Only when you straighten out the movement. And when will the movement be straight? When the destination is always in full sight. And when can the goal remain in sight? When you become entirely His. When can you be His. When you lose yourself completely. When can you lose yourself? When there is no thought in the heart other than that of His. And when is this possible? Through practice. How does practice become? By love and interest. How are love and interest born? By thinking repeatedly. How repeated thinking becomes possible? Through determination. And when it possible to make a firm determination? Only then, when you gird up your loins to sacrifice your rest and pleasures and say good bye to lethargy.
11.We should pass on through family in a disinterested way doing everything for the duty's sake without any feeling of attachment. For example we go to latrine, but do not think of it afterwards. It is finished and gone. The family life is not a thing to be cursed if it is moulded in a particular way. Suppose you are compelled to do something (lawful) and do it for its own sake without any motive of your own, I will call it a disinterested action bearing no impression on your mind. We should think that we do everything even in connection with wife and children, in compliance of the order of God. In this way all our actions will ultimately turn into PUJA. This is a very easy method for connecting your thought link with the Almighty.
12.It was in accordance with the need of the time that Lord Krishna had taught the truth of Gita to Arjuna. We must be highly indebted to him for all that he put forth for our benefit, which in course of time became the guiding light to us all. It was not merely an idle discourse but the actual revelation of the very things, needed for a true pursuer of the Divine path. They relate directly to the various

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