Page 161 - Three Truths - Trillion Doubts - Volume -II
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the defect and resolve not to commit such mistakes and also seek forgiveness. You can not get rid off anything simply because you wish you should make determined efforts in that direction.
4. I have decided to do my morning meditations at 6:00. I have not been consistent about the time, but I hope to change that.
Determination is the key word for success in any field.
5. I am feeling the gap between my performance spiritually and my aspiration to meet the expectation of Rev Master. When I contemplate on the thoughts of Rev Master as in “Showers of Divine Grace”, I can feel HIS level of expectation. It is then I could feel the GAP in intense manner. I have so much time free with me. Rev Brother, please guide me on how to get out of the tendency to relax as I have explained in point 1 and make myself more useful in HIS work.
You have to progress yourself before you can serve others. You were given permission to work and it is for you to prepare yourself to work. It is determination that matters and I hope you have that. In the quarterly magazine Masters’ suggestion in this regard is published in the 3 cover page. Hope you read it often to firm up your self.
6. With all humility, I apologise to you for not able to live up to your expectations. I deeply regret and repent for my wrong doings, my attitudes/notions and lack of proper orientation due to which I have missed the blessed and sacred opportunity to serve the Master at his feet. Due to my insensitivity, I could not understand the subtle suggestions that were conveyed to me which have prevented me from expressing my willingness to serve Master as his servant at his feet. I am deeply sorry and repentant for hurting you and my parents.
Sloth and indolence are essentially characteristics of Matter. Once we yield to it there is no scope of advance in spiritual life. You have realized your mistakes and that should be enough. It is necessary that there is a definite determination not to repeat the mistakes and again seek pardon. I do hope that you have such a determination. Bondages of any type and by any name have to be got rid off. Thinking some such bondages can also help you in sadhana is not correct. One can show the path but the actual travel has to be done by the aspirant only. As for

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