Page 241 - Three Truths - Trillion Doubts - Volume -II
P. 241

not progressing bothered me. Trainer corrected me -that such concern about progress is attention to self. Progress or what stage we are at is only the Master's responsibility. Our job is Sadhana.
The above two paragraphs indicate the movement of thoughts in more than one plane. Concern for the progress is a legitimate concern and we should move towards our goal and watch whether we are moving in the path of grace systematically. To say that Master will take care of these things is total abdication of the need to evaluate ourselves constantly. That leads to a dependency which is not acceptable in the realm of Freedom. The promise of the ISRC is only in this regard to help the aspirants’ evaluate. The various states of mind felt are clearly spelt out in the book Path of Grace. Try to understand the book and evaluate yourself keeping the yard stick of Ten Commandments also. From what I can gauge from this place your yatra has commenced and you are moving in knot 1 with some vibrations in the knots 2 and 3. Doership will fade out only when you go beyond knot 4 in the Kasbi manner. But that is one of the high conditions that come after hard work and one needs to have surrendered totally to the Master.
More on Aksi / Kasbi:
1. Regarding State and Stage of development I donot think you understood what I had in my mind. There are various persons at various stages of human development. Some are magical in their beliefs, some are mythical, some are rational, some Trans rational and few others integral and very few holistic. Majority of the human beings unfortunately are still at the first three stages of development. Irrespective of their stages they do have religious or spiritual experiences which may be termed as gross, subtle, causal, and non-dual and also that of Tam. The state of consciousness unless it gets absorbed in the individual (that is what Master called when Aksi becomes Kasbi) and is developed into a stage (which is possible by Imperience) has by itself got no great value in transformation of consciousness of the human being in question.

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