Page 243 - Three Truths - Trillion Doubts - Volume -II
P. 243

7. The reality of Universal Fraternity will be realised sooner or later but our efforts continue.
8. It is necessary that you understand that progress in the spiritual path is not linear but spiral and this would mean that the stages and states we undergo have to be repeated if necessary several times till the lesson is learnt.
9. We intend several things and the Divine has its own way.
10. The capacity to hold the helm is seen when the weather is stormy and lessons of life are learnt that way only.
11. We have to call a spade a spade if any one comes to interfering with sadhana and spiritual life. No etiquettes are to be observed when anyone comes to interfere with our moral and spiritual life. There is no relationship greater than our relationship with Master and God. One cannot be good to all-there is something like good and bad and tolerance to bad is more harmful than being bad. This is the ethical essence that one should learn. Do not say Yes when you have to say No is a good book that you should read.
12. You have a long way to go and that cannot be done if you deviate from the methods of practice prescribed by the Master.
13. The blessings of the Master is always there and you need have no doubts about that.
14. Nothing comes in life unless we slog and sweat. Help of the Master is ofcourse there but our effort is absolutely necessary. So much for your spiritual sadhana.
15. As we sow so we reap. When we want to live in universal consciousness the individual consciousness has to take a back seat. In the field of universal consciousness there is no
scope for self centredness and its consequent defects and narrowness.
16. Every soul has its destiny and it goes through that only. Human goal is meant for human beings and not all men/women are humans. Most of them are bipeds. Some time, somehow one has to get out of deep slumber. Excuses for laziness and torpor are not new.

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