Page 194 - Wisdom Unfurled
P. 194

Mahatma according to the above interpreters; the Master declares that the above explanation is far removed from reality. What they interpret as transmission is really the automatic radiation of the pious paramanus (fine particles) from the mahatma affecting all those assembled there with that calmness so long as they are there. This is only a natural process having nothing to do with transmission. The fine particles radiate not only from a saintly person but also from any person pious or wicked, saintly or devilish. If one were to spend some time in the company of an impious or morally degraded person, he would find that the impious paramanus flowing from such a person affecting him with the result that his thoughts flowing in the same channel during the period. The effect of such radiation remains only for a little while and disappears when the person is away from it. This is the reason why the religious teachers complain that their sermons are having little effect on their audience. On the contrary transmission is a deliberate and conscious process through which suggestions are infused into the aspirant by the will of the trainer who has secured higher approaches in spirituality and it produces long lasting and deep rooted effects.
It is commonly believed that the Gita was purely a sermon delivered by the Lord to Arjuna in the battle field when the armies were standing face to face ready to fight. The Master puts the question how much time the Lord would have really had to deliver the message to Arjuna under the conditions for it would take at least a few hours to recite all the seven hundred verses in it. The Master reveals that the Lord actually transmitted to Arjuna all the mental states necessary for the purpose in the very little time He had at His disposal. They were really the conditions which an abhyasi of SRRY passes through during the course of his march towards the Infinite. The process brought Arjuna at once to a higher state of spiritual consciousness and purged out the feeling of undue attachment in him which alone had clouded his sense of duty and was thus responsible for his hesitation to fight the battle against his honoured teachers and blood relatives. (SS p 421-2).
Sri Ramchandra’s Rajayoga vs traditional yoga
We had already seen while comparing the traditional Patanjali yoga and the system of Sri Ramchandra’a Raja yoga that in the older system the most important thing is control of prana at the physical level, namely, the breath. This was resorted to achieve the main aim of controlling the chitta vrittis as without regulation of the thought waves nothing can really be achieved in any field, mundane or spiritual. In the system of SRRY on the contrary the control of breath is not advocated. The Master strikes at the root and says that prana is not breath but the life energy which is essentially of the nature of consciousness. The kingly thing in man is thought which is prana in the

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