Page 213 - Wisdom Unfurled
P. 213

implementation of the Ten Commandments of the Master; it is to be noted that same conditions are undergone in the higher realms in a subtler manner. The major discriminative intelligence that develops in the first knot is regarding goal clarity. This begins as the awareness of a higher power than us which seems to govern us and from which everything has come down. This awareness of the source is the beginning which ends in the last ring of splendour after going through various conditions of modification of the knots. That sloth and indolence is to be given up, the animal nature is to be overcome and that the prayer is to be offered not for the solution of problems in life but for the solution of the problem of life itself are the next levels of growth of Viveka in this knot. These are expressed through the first three commandments of the Master and the yatra in the first knot along with the special meditational practices (A & B) enable the aspirant to follow the commandments better in letter and spirit which in turn facilitates progress in the first knot.
Another aspect relates to the worship of so many gods and goddesses for umpteen purposes, various forms of worship and our ideas and notions about them which constitute a tough obstacle in the path of progress. Clarity in this respect occurs only after much load shedding and yatra in the first knot which is the toughest of the regions of travel and most fundamental for our onward march. The awareness of the goal as applicable to all the planes of our existence and mergence in this condition is the major index of our laya or mergence in this knot.
Nature has everything in place and everything is interwoven intricately with others. The insufficiency of the individual is evident and dependency on others is understood. The lessons in ego-reduction start and the person starts feeling humble. Interdependency between him and others and also God is imperienced, the closed fists open and charity and sacrifice get expressed. In addition the aspirant looks for ways and means by which cohesion with all existence can be built into his life. The person goes through various states that he is the king pin before attaining maturity in the 2nd knot. The maturity in this knot enables the person to practice the fourth commandment which requires that one should be plain, simple and identical with nature. The sadhaka secures now nearness to the condition of devotion, the chief characteristic of the 3rd knot.
The practice of the commandment 5 requiring him to be true to his essential nature helps the aspirant to negotiate the various hardships and difficulties in life treating them as divine blessings. Of course the practice of the commandment is supported by the journey in the third knot which in turn ensures better compliance of the same. This also demands further maturity in

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