Page 215 - Wisdom Unfurled
P. 215

The Master states that the passage to the Cavernous plexus (Ajna Chakra) or Trikuti, becomes straight on crossing the fifth point and from here on the chromatic perceptions had in the Pind end. This is the beginning of the domain of the Divine where the various colours seem to fuse into a state of colourlessness. One experiences something like shadowy darkness giving the clue that he has to finally go beyond light the real nature of which is neither light nor darkness but a dawn like colour. This is the point of distribution of power to the lower centres and a person feels the flow downwards as a tingling sensation. The Master says that the person who has entered into the sixth knot will not be reborn again on the earth i.e. the material manifestation of the Jiva ends here.
The next knot the seventh is abutting this knot and both together form a figure of the numeral eight. This is fully in the supra-mental sphere (Brahmand Mandal) and is also known as the region of Virat. Holiness and piety are predominant though matter still breathes here as the Master says. The powerful electric energy of which a yogi must have full control over is in abundance at this point and a Yogi who is merged in it can set at naught even the fiercest explosives. This centre is the store-house of inexhaustible energy supplying power to everything in the Pind-desh. All events occur here in astral form before they actually occur in physical form on the earth and one can read them before they come into action in the material world. The Master further states that a sensitive seeker would be able to discover at even the minor points in this region the presence of great powers which govern parts of the universe they are connected with. The seeker who achieves mergence in this vast region feels his expansion all over the world, realizing the universal consciousness.
The charm of this centre can enwrap the aspirant who might become drunk with power literally and there is the risk of his becoming an Avadoot and lose sight of the real goal turning into a Yogabrashta (one who has fallen from the ideal of Yoga). This is also the region where the Anahat ajapa- the eternally present sound is heard by those who have developed inner perception. Actually it is the culmination of the natural vibrations which start in the heart and are heard as ‘Om’ when the person goes deeper and deeper in meditation. This is termed ‘ajapa’; the vibrations spread later on to all the plexuses till it is felt throughout the entire being. The Anahat really begins when one arrives at Trikuti during the march, the Master describing the experience as one of feeling some thought current descending from head to heart and sound vibrations being produced resounding inside the body. The seventh knot is connected with the so called Rudra Shakti, the capacity to upset others and make them weep.

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