Page 62 - Wisdom Unfurled
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reconciliation among the texts of scriptural authority and tried to establish the real purport of the relevant texts each according to his own approach and wisdom. Our Upanishads, which concern themselves only with questions related to the determination and attainment of the Ultimate Real and achievement of freedom from the cycle of birth and death, contain several anecdotes in which we find the teachers actively encouraging their disciples to practice for themselves, conduct the inner enquiry and conclude for themselves the truth of the various assertions made about the nature of Ultimate Reality in the celebrated mahavakyas in the vedanta and the brahma sutras. It was called atma sakshatkara, atma drishti, or direct soul perception in all its purity not corrupted by the senses and the mind.
Metaphorically saying, it is the vision made possible by the ‘pure light of the soul’. The knowledge itself was called ateendriya or transcending the senses.
The Natural Path – The New Darshana
However in the natural path, which is called as New Darshana by Revered. Dr K C Varadachari and Shri K C Narayana, the influx of the divine superfine consciousness issuing from the very Source through the Divine Master and the active support of the capable Master/guide during the entire spiritual journey, make it possible for the sincere and diligent seeker to attain, enter into and live according to Ultimate Reality or Tam, a possibility which has so far eluded even the greatest of the sages the world has witnessed.
The Master refers to the yogi as one who has the capacity to apply his inner powers to the tasks allotted to him by nature. It goes without saying that such a person should have the ability developed in him to receive divine commands. This automatically happens when one secures advanced mergence in his Master who has established a firm connection to the source and theyogi is the instrument chosen for the tasks. The earlier view of Realization was that realization was something to be attained and enjoyed for one’s own sake but the view according to the Natural Path is that the higher and higher states of consciousness, that is Brahmand, Parabrahmand and higher forming key milestones in it, are granted by the great Master through the instrumentality of a capable guide to deserving souls not for their own sake but to be utilized in the service of the Master as He wills for the spiritual regeneration of mankind. This is an entirely new paradigm and is very difficult to be appreciated and accepted by those who have become accustomed to the conventional vedantic interpretation of what constitutes the spiritual way of living and the nature of life of a realized person and in fact such a vedantic mindset is itself, a major obstacle in the spiritual unfolding.
Spirituality as Science

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