Page 63 - Wisdom Unfurled
P. 63

Master refers to spirituality as ‘a science concerning the power which flows from the original repository and has the capacity in the form of knots both of creating and destroying’. This sentence captures the entire philosophy and dynamics of the Natural Path and what follows is only a commentary on that sentence so to speak. We note the use of the term science for spirituality, which in normal usage is treated as the very antithesis of science as normally understood today. We are all familiar with the mother of all material sciences or the root science, namely, physics which deals with matter, energy, motion and forces. The equivalence of mass and energy has been established by Albert Einstein and demonstrated in the terrible nuclear holocaust during the Second World War. In a sense all that exists is finally reducible to energy in its various forms. The only difficulty with our materialist science is that the energy existing in subtler forms other than matter and radiation is discounted as physics of the day has nothing to do with things which cannot be observed by the senses and measured through its instrumentation. It is a self-evident truth that man is a sentient being and by the principle of correspondence what exists in man as consciousness must also be there in the cosmos. Master states that we brought soul from Nature in which there was mixed Consciousness also (SS p- 384- 2004 ed). This in turn refers to the fact revealed elsewhere (SDG p-34- 2005 ed) by the Master that the soul is a conglomerate consisting of Chit- consciousness, buddhi- intellect, manas- the feeling aspect in man and ahankar- egoity.
Admittedly consciousness is a subtle principle beyond the grasp of the instrumentation of the physical sciences and the travellers on the spiritual path do imperience subtler and subtler levels of consciousness. It is also an experiential fact that energy of a kind is felt to be associated with the various states of consciousness, though it is difficult to characterize it or measure it as we can in the case of material phenomena.
However arguing from the causality angle, it can be stated that every force, to be understood here in causal terms, must produce an effect in the form of a change in state of the thing acted upon by the force or cause work to be done to be termed as force, using the definition adopted in physics. Energy has been defined as the capacity to do work. We do not see anything preventing us in principle in extending the above concept to the domain of consciousness which is the main concern in spiritual life. The Master and the trainers empowered by Him have been able to demonstrate in the Natural Path that changes are brought about in the states of consciousness and attitudes of the seeker through the process of Pranahuti and in the terminology of the SRRY(Sri Ramachandra’s Raja yoga- or Pranahuti Aided Meditation -PAM), the seeker has been ‘worked upon’. It is also to be noted in this context that for the first time in the history of spirituality the concepts of spiritual training

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