Page 71 - Wisdom Unfurled
P. 71

not mere ideas for preaching but for being brought into practice and application in daily life.
Patanjali Yoga and Sri Ramchandra’s Rajayoga
There is unanimous agreement among the great sages that Rajayoga alone is capable of ensuring approach to the highest limits and any one destined to achieve complete freedom or Realization must sooner or later come up to it. The New Darsana of Sri Ramchandraji has been brought forth after introducing very significant modifications and removing superfluities from the ancient Ashtanga Rajayoga of sage Patanjali to suit the conditions and needs of present day man. It is found that the Master makes no mention of Yama and Niyama in the traditional sense but makes it clear that discipline and following certain basic tenets are absolutely necessary.
All the principles of ethical and religious life are well brought about by Him in His work ‘Commentary on Ten commandments of Sahaj Marg’-(see Imperience Beckons). Simply interpreted,Yama and Niyama consist in accepting whatever helps us in achieving the goal and eschewing whatever prevents us from achieving it. It is also to be realized that following the right practice under the guidance of a capable Master enables one to be established truly in the tenets of Yama and Niyama. The aspirants of SRRY(PAM) find in practice that following the Ten Commandments of the Master enables them to progress in the path and this in turn makes for better compliance with the commandments.
We also see that there is no stress on Asana and Pranayama. Asana is accepted as a convenient posture and a little bent posture, head bowed in reverence before the Master, is also advocated. Pranayama is not mentioned at all. On the other hand a great deal of importance is laid on Pranahuti or the transmission of the yogic energy or divine effulgence which is treated as the very cornerstone of SRRY(PAM). As this is one of the most significant deviations from the ancient system we will briefly address the principle of Pranahuti and its supreme relevance to SRRY(PAM).
Prana – Its Real Nature and Pranahuti
Prana is not breath alone and it ought to mean ‘thought’ in the human context. This thought is that which is common to him and the Ultimate and this is the unique characteristic which distinguishes man in the scheme of Divine expression into multitude. This is the real meaning of the oft quoted line, ‘Man is made in the image of God’. The prana is in a state of balance and equanimity whenever it is dwelling on the origin or base or ultimate. When it gets attached to anything other than the origin, the mind tries to wriggle itself free of the clutches of extraneous matter and this is the real explanation for

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