Page 73 - Wisdom Unfurled
P. 73

The Master brings out the very major role played in SRRY(PAM) of Pranahuti especially with regard to the progress on the path. The capable guide, by virtue of his own inner powers, awakens and accelerates the dormant forces in the abhyasi and directs the flow of Divine current towards his heart, through the process of pranahuti. As a result the abhyasi is able to progress on the path progressively experiencing more and more of bliss. The abhyasi has only to make himself capable and deserving of the divine grace. In this way what required strenuous practices and penances over long periods of time can be achieved within a short period, even a fraction of a lifetime. But all this is to be experienced as it is of a practical nature.
Highest Stage
The Master then goes on to describe the actual condition all have to arrive at, namely, that which is neither peace nor restlessness, neither union nor separation; it is a state admitting no contradictions. One has to develop a deep craving and intense restlessness to attain it. A firm will made in the beginning and a Spartan spirit ensure ultimate success. It is found that in the end what one was craving to attain is very close at hand, it is nothing but the seeker’s own Self. To reach the destination one should have a burning desire which will burn the weeds on the path.
Role of Master in the System
While stressing the role of the Master in the system, the Master is careful to reassure the seeker that He does not thereby mean to advocate the orthodox idea of Gurudom. In the association it is taken in the spirit of common brotherhood and a spirit of service and sacrifice helping each other as needed. The Master declares that the practice and training offered in the system is open to one and all without any distinction of caste, creed, gender, nationality, past religious belief or position in society. The above mentioned have been the bane of human societies for millennia causing wars, painful migrations and dislocations, dissensions and consequent untold sufferings and miseries. Now Nature desires all humanity to unite partaking in the Divine Universal Consciousness and live in cooperation, harmony and mutual goodwill for its common good and spiritual well-being. It is the experience of the abhyasis of SRRY(PAM) such a cooperative and harmonious existence is possible by each and every human being opening himself to and welcoming into his heart the all inclusive Sri Ramchandra Consciousness which is of the nature of Universal love and is ever ready to respond to such a call. It is in the above spirit of the Sri Ramchandra Consciousness, the Master exhorts all mankind to come forward to practice the system, experience the grace of His Master who has turned a new leaf in tradition of Indian philosophy and derive spiritual benefit. We should understand by the term turning a ‘new leaf’, the

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