Page 180 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 5
P. 180
imperienced compels us again and again to seek for the same; or rather the Oneness gets remembered and that is for remembrance sake and such a remembrance has nothing else to seek for.
The One that is sought for is not the explanatory Gods or the category of Gods mentioned above. All that we are able to remember of ̳Suchness‘ is that it is irreducible. It is the unperceivable, unknowable and the essence of being. It is a process intrinsic to Presence by which, Presence transforms, organises and perceives. That is called ̳Tam‘ by the Master. It is as stated earlier a- perceptual and base of all that IS. When we say God is Oneness and the greatest of all we do not mean he is greater than something else, because there is nothing else for It/Him to be compared with. It means that He is too great to be perceived by the senses and too deep to be understood by the intellect. Too great, indeed, to be known by anything other than Him. Only God knows God. This is the God or Oneness that we imperience and which we want to