Page 249 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 5
P. 249
WE ARE and WE are NOT as also WE are NOT and WE ARE
decades before the Renaissance, Copernicus was a theoretical astronomer who suggested that rather than the planets going around the Earth, they in fact went around the Sun. Copernicus suggested that in fact, we were all going around the Sun, and that made sense. He died in 1540 with his books still unpublished, so nobody knew about his theories. And it took Galileo, with the world‘s first telescope, and other people, to test Copernicus‘ theories to discover they were accurate. By 1600 we were headlong into the Renaissance. And by 1600 everybody recognized that we were all going around the Sun. That is how we shifted from feeling that we were in a universe governed by an eccentric deity, to a universe that makes sense.
It only took the more intelligent, educated people, probably less than one percent, to recognize what was true for the whole culture to change. We see that many times humanity has gone through a leap. One percent of the world‘s population today would be 60 million people, and many people prophesize that it is going to be about 60 million